Objectives unit 10

1. Explain the importance of writing in the passage from Prehistory to History.
When cities grew, it became necessary to create a system of control to keep the data which were of interest to the king and his government taxes, trade transactions, etc.
2. Identify the early civilizations in History and place them in time and space.
They were the Mesopotamian, the Egyptian, the Indian and the Chinese. 
The Mesopotamian started approximately at the 3000 BC until a bit more of 1 AC; and was located between the Tigris and the Euphrates.
The Egyptian started approximately at the 3100 BC until a bit more of 1 AC; and was located around the Nile River.
The Indian started approximately at the 3000 BC until a bit more of 1 AC; and was located around the Indus River.
Finally, the Chinese started approximately at the 3000 BC until a bit more of 1 AC; and was located between and around the Yellow and Blue Rivers.

3. Explain the transformation of Neolithic towns into empires.
First, the towns became little villages, after that they grew longer into small cities, the into larger and more complex cities which expanded and multiplied. After that, those cities grouped and formed nations, or states and all of those were ruled by the main authority of the oldest town and their descendants, until a very important revolutionary or challenging event happens.
4. Describe how Mesopotamia developed.
 It started developing
5. Indicate the characteristics of early urban societies, and the differences between them and Neolithic communities. 
6. Describe the configuration and social structure of Mesopotamian gods and rituals.
7. Explain the origin and formation of the first schools and describe the subjects taught.
8. Indicate the different social groups of early civilizations and explain their)function within the social network.
9. Explain the main, general characteristics of Mesopotamian art, focusing on raw materials and types of work and art.

10.Where do you think first civilizations emerged ?

Click here to find out

11. Why are they called river civilizations ? (page 146)

12. Where did the earliest civilization in history develop?
Click here to find out.

13. Create your own crossword puzzle
with the following definitions, terms and places:

civilization, Mesopotamia, empire, tomb, dynasty, hierarchical society, priveleged people, subjugated people
Babylon, Assyrian Empire, antient Egypt, ancient China, Emperor Qin, Neolithic town, gods, rituals

14. Students read, analyze and answer the questions from Unit 10. As a reflection they place their own examples (pictures, videos, links) on their blogs and finally making an interactive quiz online.

Choose 10 questions from the book you think are very important and answer them.
Here I give you 3 examples:

What periods was Mesopotamian history divided to?
What is the code of the Hammurabi?
Do you think the content of the Hammurabi Code could be applied today?

So now search for more interesting questions, answer them and design your blog.

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